
Mix-Use Residential in London

Desco is currently designing the M&E services for a new mixed-use residential/commercial development on behalf of London Square. The scheme lies on a brownfield site, which was the former Rich Industrial Estate.

The site in a well-connected neighbourhood in Bermondsey is an irregular shape, is largely landlocked by neighbouring commercial and residential units, and has limited access points.

The redeveloped site will provide circa 400 new accommodation units ranging from a selection of one, two and three-bedroom residential properties, including social and affordable housing, together with commercial spaces including a contemporary arts studio and exhibition space, and will bring back into use a number of the existing vacant, disused buildings on the site.

The scheme is proposing 35% affordable housing (an increase from the original 30% target), based on habitable rooms, with a 70:30 split. Given that the strategic affordable housing target for Southwark has been tested through the plan making process and associated viability testing, it is accepted that this amount (35%) delivers the maximum reasonable amount. The proposed energy strategy results in savings that meet the London Plan.


Mix-Use Residential in London





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